GROW is a tier 3 computer cluster which is hosted by the University of Iowa - High Energy Physics Group. It is going to be connected to the Open Science Grid (OSG) and is affiliated with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) virtual organization (VO). The cluster is managed via Rocks software and uses Scientific Linux 5.4 64 bit on all Rocks nodes. Our storage is provided by a 72 TB storage server which uses a RAID 6 array.
Our application was accepted to take part in the Dynamic Network System (DYNES). We are awaiting testing on the equipment.
If you are using our wiki pages there are a few things that you should pay attention to before continuing. We have divided up the content into different objects:
Throughout our wiki pages there are many places where we have posted the commands actually used for certain tasks. Shell commands are encapsulated in a box as shown below with the prompt icon and a typical shell color scheme of black background and gree font-color. These are show as either:
Root commands have a red border.
[root@login-0-0 ~]# cp test.txt ../bin
All other user commands have a green border. Often the user name is just user. You will have to replace the username if copying the commands with an actual username in most situations.
[user@highenergy ~]$ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 0 Jul 9 12:56 ..
-rw——- 1 user user 19997 Jul 7 13:08 .bash_history
-rw-r–r– 1 user user 33 Jun 21 2011 .bash_logout
-rw-r–r– 1 user user 238 Jun 16 16:33 .bash_profile
-rw-r–r– 1 user user 591 Jun 27 15:38 .bashrc
Information that may be relevent to the user.
Information that is likely to be important to the user.
Advise for the user. These may not be necessary for the user but helpful.
Make sure to read carefully through the directions before performing any actions or continuing further.
View the GROW main web site. There are links on this page to Rocks documentation, user guides, cluster management and monitoring.
Here is our guide to installing a Tier 3 Rocks cluster. This guide serves two purposes: First as documentation for ourselves on how our cluster was put together, and second as a guide for others who wish to build a Rocks cluster. Most of this guide uses hardware names, info, and configurations for our cluster so please be sure to adjust for your configuration.
Head Node: Installing the Rocks on the head node, and configuration
Compute Node(s): Installing Rocks compute nodes.
Login Node(s): Modifying and installing Rocks login appliances/nodes
Grid Node(s): Creating and installing grid appliances/nodes.
Squid Web Proxy Setup: How to install Squid web proxy software.
Kerberos Setup: How to install Kerberos network authentication software
Condor Setup: How to install condor HTC software.
OSG Setup: Certificate Authority, OSG software stack installation.
OSG Setup (rpm): New OSG software stack rpm based installation.
Certificates: Install and Renew Site Certificates.
CMSSW: CMS Software Stack Installation.
Disk Quotas: Setting up Disk Quotas.
Dynes Equipment: Setting up Dynes Equipment
This Dokuwiki page is maintained by:
Daniel Squires
University of Iowa
Department of Computer Science