Table of Contents

GROW Users

Request an Account

Send an email to

Please be sure to give me your CERN account name if you have one. If not, make sure to let me know when you obtain one.

If you have a shell preference (sh, bash, csh…) let me know. The default is bash.

First Time Login

When you first get an account from GROW, login to the head node to change your password. Currently you must login to the head node from a campus ip address.

1. If you are logging in from a University of Iowa campus ip address, log into the head node then continue to step 4. Else, skip to step 2.

[user@r-lnx210 ~]$ ssh

2. Login to a login node

[user@localhost~]$ ssh
[user@localhost~]$ ssh

3. Login to the head node from the login node

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ ssh grow-prod

4. The system will prompt you to create public/private rsa key pairs. Do not use this option! Just hit the enter key three times. 5. Create a new password by using this command.

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ passwd
6. Log out of the head node.

The password may take a few minutes to propagate to the login nodes. If after ten minutes you are still unable to login to the login nodes, contact

After you have changed your password, log out of the head node. All logins should now be directed to the login nodes.

About My Account

Home Directory

With your account, you have a home directory which is accessible from any node. This directory is completely backed up. There is not a disk quota set up for this directory yet. This directory is network mounted from the head node which only has 500GB of local storage. Please use this directory sparingly (source code, backup configurations….).


Data Directory

You also have a directory which is located on our storage server.

This directory is not currently backed up. If you have irreplacable data make sure to back it up to another location

There is not a disk quota set up for this directory yet. This directory is located on our 72TB storage server. This is the location to store data, run jobs, and anything else that could be storage intensive.


CRAB Stageout Directory

There is another a directory which can be used to store data. This directory is owned by your grid account.

This directory is not currently backed up. If you have irreplacable data make sure to back it up to another location.

There is not a disk quota set up for this directory yet.


Logging in to GROW

Login Nodes

There are two login nodes to our cluster.

[user@r-lnx210 ~]$ ssh -X
[user@r-lnx210 ~]$ ssh -X

Head Node

You should only login to the head node to make a password change. Do not attempt to run jobs from this node, compile programs, …etc.

[user@r-lnx210 ~]$ ssh -X

Change My Password

Passwords are stored on the head node and propagated to all other nodes.

If you change you password on any other node, it will eventually get written over.

Any time you want to change your password, you must log into the head node to do so. You must login from a campus IP address, so you can login to or first, or use any other machine on campus and follow these instructions.

[user@r-lnx210 ~]$ ssh
[user@grow-prod ~]$ passwd

Create a Proxy

  1. Source OSG environment
  2. Enter your password
  3. Request a proxy
  4. Enter password

[user@grow-in1 ~]$ . /share/osg/ce/
[user@grow-grid cms]$ grid-proxy-init
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ………………………………………………… Done
Your proxy is valid until: Wed Nov 16 20:23:55 2011


Source CMSSW environment by running the following command.

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ . /share/osg/app/cmssoft/cms/

List CMSSW versions and locations

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ scramv1 list CMSSW
Listing installed projects....

| Project Name  | Project Version          | Project Location                  |

  CMSSW           CMSSW_4_1_3                
                                         --> /share/cmssw/slc5_amd64_gcc434/cms/cmssw/CMSSW_4_1_3
  CMSSW           CMSSW_4_1_3_patch2         
                                         --> /share/cmssw/slc5_amd64_gcc434/cms/cmssw-patch/CMSSW_4_1_3_patch2

Choose a CMSSW release. This will create a directory in your current directory. Make sure you are in a directory where you have permission to create directories.

[user@grow-in0 dsquires]$ cmsrel CMSSW_4_4_1

CD into the directory.

[user@grow-in0 dsquires]$ cd CMSSW_4_4_1/

Import CMSSW libraries and directories

[user@grow-in0 CMSSW_4_4_1]$ cmsenv

When listing the directory you should get this…

[user@grow-in0 CMSSW_4_4_1]$ ls
bin  cfipython  config  doc  include  lib  logs  objs  python  src  test  tmp

This tutorial is not complete.

Hdfs Xrootd

Here are the instructions from cern. You will need to follow the steps above to setup cmssw.

Submit Jobs Using Condor

How to Submit Jobs

[user@grow-in0 condor_test-1]$ condor_submit submit_filename
Submitting job(s)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Logging submit event(s)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
150 job(s) submitted to cluster 26.

Notice that Condor gives you the job number here - “26”. This can be used to query the job queue.

Check on Condor Queue

[user@grow-in0 condor_test-1]$ condor_q

-- Submitter: : <> :
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
  26.48  username        9/7  12:09   0+00:00:02 R  0   0.7  simple 4 48       
  26.49  username        9/7  12:09   0+00:00:02 R  0   0.7  simple 4 49       
  26.50  username        9/7  12:09   0+00:00:02 R  0   0.7  simple 4 50       
  26.51  username        9/7  12:09   0+00:00:02 R  0   0.7  simple 4 51       

You can query your job by adding the job number as a parameter to the command.

[user@grow-in0 condor_test-1]$ condor_q 26

Check Condor Pool Status

This command lets you see the status of each node in the Condor pool.

[user@grow-in0 condor_test-1]$ condor_status

Name               OpSys      Arch   State     Activity LoadAv Mem   ActvtyTime

slot1@compute-0-1. LINUX      X86_64 Unclaimed Idle     0.000   987  0+00:08:14
slot2@compute-0-1. LINUX      X86_64 Unclaimed Idle     0.000   987  0+00:08:14
slot3@compute-0-1. LINUX      X86_64 Unclaimed Idle     0.000   987  0+00:08:15

Submit Jobs Using CRAB

Source gLite

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ . /share/osg/ce/glite/gLite-UI/etc/profile.d/
[user@grow-in0 ~]$ source /share/osg/ce/glite/gLite-UI/etc/profile.d/grid_env.csh

Setup the CRAB environment

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ . /share/crab/current/


[user@grow-in0 ~]$ source /share/crab/current/crab.csh

This tutorial is not complete.

GROW Scripts




This script will create a man page for you. It does not have any options but requires two arguments, a file name and the man page section you wish to create. For more information about how to use mkman see the man page for mkman.

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ man mkman


Create a man page for myscript

[user@grow-in0 ~]$ mkman myscript 1

Contact Info

This Dokuwiki page is maintained by:
Daniel Squires
University of Iowa
Department of Computer Science