====== Plugins ======
This page is to list and explain the plugins that have been installed for the HEP group wiki pages. If you have other plugins you feel would be of use please contact [[daniel-squires@uiowa.edu|daniel-squires@uiowa.edu]].
===== xterm2 =====
The xterm2 plugin is used to display shell-like graphics which can be very helpful when creating tutorial that require the user to run shell commands.
==== Syntax ====
Beginning tag, lines of shell commands (also output), ending tag. You should be able to copy and paste lines from your shell directly into the xtermrtf tags.\\
%%Shell command%%\\
%%Another shell command%%\\
%%Root shell command%%\\
%%Another root shell command%%\\
==== Examples ====
Here is an example of using xtermrtf with a shell command and its output.\\
=== User Example ===
%%[user@login-0-0 ~]$ ps aux | grep scp%%\\
%%user 25516 0.0 0.0 61152 676 pts/5 S+ 11:05 0:00 grep scp%%\\
[user@login-0-0 ~]$ ps aux | grep scp
user 25516 0.0 0.0 61152 676 pts/5 S+ 11:05 0:00 grep scp
=== Root Example ===
%%[root@login-0-0 ~]$ rm -rf /%%\\
%%Oh No!!!%%\\
[root@login-0-0 ~]$ rm -rf /
Oh No!!!
===== Note =====
The note plugin is a useful plugin that gives you graphical notes, tips, warnings for the reader.
==== Syntax ====
The syntax for a note is simply beginning tag, message, and closing tag.\\
==== Types of Notes ====
Here are the types of notes that can be used.
Regular Note
==== Example ====
//This is a tip for the reader!//\\
This will produce this note:
This is a tip for the reader!
//This wiki will self-destruct in 30 seconds!//\\
will produce:
This wiki will self-destruct in 30 seconds!