====== Squid Setup ======
- Create a user for Squid
- Set password for the user account
[root@grow-prod ~]# useradd -c "Frontier Squid" -n dbfrontier -s /bin/bash
[root@grow-prod ~]# passwd dbfrontier
Sync user and config with cluster.
[root@grow-prod ~]# sudo ssh-agent $SHELL
[root@grow-prod ~]# sudo ssh-add
[root@grow-prod ~]# sudo rocks sync config
[root@grow-prod ~]# sudo rocks sync users
Create a directory for Squid and change ownership to the new Squid user account.
[root@grow-prod ~]# mkdir /export/squid
[root@grow-prod ~]# chown dbfrontier:users /export/squid
- Download Squid.
- Unpack tar file.
- Change directory into newly unpacked directory.
- Call the configuration script.Provide the script with the answers below.
[root@grow-prod ~]# wget "http://frontier.cern.ch/dist/frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5.tar.gz"
[root@grow-prod ~]# tar -xvzf frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5.tar.gz
[root@grow-prod ~]# cd frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# ./configure
Installation directory: /export/squid
Network & netmask:
Cache RAM (MB): 128
Cache disk (MB): 40000
Install Squid by executing:
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# make
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# make install
Start the Squid server:
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# /export/squid/frontier-cache/utils/bin/fn-local-squid.sh start
You can start the Squid server at boot time. As root (logout from dbfrontier back to root):
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# cp /export/squid/frontier-cache/utils/init.d/frontier-squid.sh /etc/init.d/.
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# sudo /sbin/chkconfig --add frontier-squid.sh
Create a cron job to rotate the logs:
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# crontab /export/squid/frontier-cache/utils/cron/crontab.dat
We choose to restrict Squid access to CMS Frontier queries, since the IPs allowed by Squid include addresses not in our cluster. Edit customize.sh and add the lines inside the {}:
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# sudo vi /export/squid/frontier-cache/squid/etc/customize.sh
Uncomment these lines:
http_access deny !RESTRICT_DEST
Then tell Squid to use the new configuration:
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# /export/squid/frontier-cache/utils/bin/fn-local-squid.sh reload
Test Squid by clicking [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SquidForCMS#Testing_Your_Installation| here.]]\\
Register Squid by clicking [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SquidForCMS#Register_Your_Server| here ]]
To provide new configuration options, get a fresh install execute:
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# /export/squid/frontier-cache/utils/bin/fn-local-squid.sh stop
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# make clean
[root@grow-prod frontier-squid-2.7.STABLE9-5]# make
====== Contact Info ======
This Dokuwiki page is maintained by:\\
Daniel Squires\\
University of Iowa\\
Department of Computer Science\\