====== Compute Node Setup ======
Click [[http://www.rocksclusters.org/roll-documentation/base/5.4/install-compute-nodes.html|here]] to view the Rocks guide to install compute nodes. We use the Rocks default compute node. We do not make any changes to the node but it is possible by creating an extend-compute.xml kickstart file. Click [[http://www.rocksclusters.org/roll-documentation/base/5.4/customization-postconfig.html|here]] to see how to create extend kickstart files.
Here is a link to view our extend-compute.xml kickstart file.
===== Install Compute Node =====
On the head node execute:
[root@grow-prod ~]# insert-ethers
- Select Compute from the list below.
- Power up the node.
- The head node will install the new node. The node will request a kickstart file.
- Repeat steps for each compute node.\\
{{ :grow:installation:screen_shot_2011-07-14_at_5.13.50_pm.png?500 |}}
==== Disk Partitioning ====
We use the Rocks default partitioning for our compute nodes.
====== Notes ======
====== Contact Info ======
This Dokuwiki page is maintained by:\\
Daniel Squires\\
University of Iowa\\
Department of Computer Science\\